Post-operative orthopaedic surgery / trauma

Post-operative orthopaedic surgery / trauma

Orthopaedic surgery relates to conditions or injuries which affect the musculoskeletal system or bones, ligaments, joints, muscles, nerves and tendons. If you have recently had surgery of this kind you may need post-operative physiotherapy to rebuild your strength, flexibility and mobility.

As a qualified physiotherapist, I can help you to recover and regain your fitness through a range of physiotherapy exercises which are tailored to your specific needs. By building up your strength and confidence with a plan designed to work at a speed that suits your recovery, you will recover more effectively and improve your long-term health.

Post-operative physiotherapy is beneficial for any age, level of fitness and type of injury as a means of enhancing recovery and resuming a good standard of health and mobility. If you would like to discuss how I can improve your recovery following any type of orthopaedic surgery or trauma, please get in touch.

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